FIVA (the Fédération Internationale des Véhicules Anciens or international federation of historic vehicles) is delighted to welcome new nations and federations joining the almost 80 countries that are now full members of FIVA, pledging to protect, preserve and promote historic vehicles, and the culture that surrounds them, worldwide.
“In the past year, seven new members have joined the fold, including federations from countries with enormous potential for communicating the importance of automotive heritage, such as Pakistan, Russia, Saudi Arabia, and Qatar,” comments John Alcantara, FIVA’s vice president for membership.
“Remarkably, our member in Ukraine helped to attract a strong new partner in Russia, showing the uniting force of our passion. Iran re-joined as soon as the internal situation in the country allowed, while Montenegro completed the full membership of the territories that constituted the former Yugoslavia. Last, the smallest in size but not in ambition was the admission of Macau as a FIVA member”
As a truly international organisation that brings together classic vehicle enthusiasts around the globe, FIVA is working to bring on board any nations that are not yet represented, particularly in Africa and Asia. “For example, we would greatly value the membership of Indonesia, Vietnam and the Philippines,” adds Alcantara.
“In many of these nations, there is already a large and vibrant community of historic vehicle enthusiasts, from whom existing FIVA members can learn – and with whom we can share ideas,” he concludes.
Just one example is Pakistan and its recent event, The Distinguished Gentleman’s Drive (as pictured below).
Main Image Credit: Efrah Shah, The Distinguished Gentleman’s Drive, Pakistan 2021
Photo Credits: The Distinguished Gentleman’s Drive, Pakistan 2021; Efrah Shah and Anum Mujtaba