Flivver Online is part of a project to promote the preservation and enjoyment of historic vehicles.
Clubs, Registers and Societies are at the forefront of preserving older vehicles and we would like to see more of them online.
Our goal is to help anyone involved in the heritage vehicle movement to get online quickly by offering free and low-cost websites.
We recognise that setting up and maintaining a website can be time-consuming so we also help with advice and resources to maintain and improve each website.
Flivver Online websites would be suitable for:
Clubs, Registers and Societies

Veteran, vintage, classic, pre-classic car clubs, motorcycle clubs, scooter clubs, military vehicle clubs, commercial vehicle clubs, traction engine clubs, all types of vehicle registers, preservation and restoration societies, railway societies.
Events and Shows
Any public event which features heritage vehicles from car shows to machinery shows. Would be particularly useful to clubs or charities running at least one big event per year. Even if your club has a website, you can use another to publicise events.

Museums and Collections

Having your own website is a great way to promote a transport museum or collection open to the public (or by invitation only). You can feature a selection of exhibits; list your opening times and entrance fees, and advertise your events.
Authors and Publications
We would be lost without the great writers and publications sharing their classic car and motorsport knowledge. Having a website is a great way for writers to share their work with a wider audience and for readers to gain a better understanding.

Vehicle Owners and Enthusiasts

We would like to hear about your restoration projects or the history of a particuar marque or model. Personal sites are a great way to share your interest in heritage vehicles or even chart the history of your car ownership.
We support small businesses associated with heritage vehicles – anything from cleaning products, memorabilia, models or engineered parts to small scale vehicle sales. Our websites give you a chance to try out your ideas while you build your business.

If you have any questions or would like to discuss a particular project you have in mind, please do get in touch by emailing us or by using the contact form.
So Why ‘Flivver’?
Flivver is a 1930s American slang term used to describe an old, dilapidated automobile. Often viewed as having little value, these cars proved ideal for learning to drive and to develop basic mechanical skills.
We hope to provide a good start to your online experience. Flivver Online is designed to help you set up a new website with a minimum of fuss but is also capable of meeting the changing needs of a club or business as it grows and expands.
So, just as a ‘flivver’ was often a motorist’s first car, why not take one of our websites out for a spin?
We won’t even mind if you scratch it!
Check out our Frequently Asked Questions page for more information.